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CM Global Partners Headquarters in Charlotte, NC. A Proven Approach since 1985


CM Global Partners Sales Compensation Academy
- If you’re looking to change your sales compensation plans but are hesitant to make a change, CompensationMaster may be the solution you’re looking for.
- Our software program allows you to take control of your sales compensation strategies and create game-changing commission plans in your industry.
- Our courses teach you how to use our software to enhance profits, increase shareholder value, and create win-win solutions for your sales reps.
- No more struggling with complicated commission schemes - with CompensationMaster, your sales reps can focus on closing business.
- Our online courses teach you how to use CompensationMaster to solve real-world sales force compensation design problems
CompensationMaster™ is a software company specializing in systemizing and creating Sales Force Compensation using Strength Based LEAN Six Sigma Principles.
We also provide online Sales Compensation Courses

  • Services (Type)
    - Sales and Incentive
  • Size of Firm
    - 10 to 24
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